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3 Things I Have Never Done

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LeonBlank1995 | 15:59 Wed 25th Aug 2021 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
I am sure there are lots of things you haven't done, but below are 3 things I have never done which MOST people have at least done.

1. Never seen or read ANY Harry Potter
2. Never been to a Nandos
3. Never been in a hot-tub.

Please add anything you have never done, which you feel the majority of people have done.


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Never seen The Sound of Music.
Had a passport, driven a car legally, owned a smartphone.
I've never been to me
I've never met a nice South African
I've never lied on a chat site
Same as yours Leon, plus:
1. Have never put fuel in my car
2. Have never seen Game of Thrones
3. Have never cut the lawn
Never seen a full episode/film of:-

Only Fools and Horses
Star Wars
Game of Thrones

There must be far more
Have never smoked.
Also never read a Harry Potter
Never been arrested
Never taken drugs
Never gone skiing
been on a cruise
watched the simpsons
eaten oysters
3 things i don't want to do anyway
smowball, I think it's meant to be ...which MOST people have at least done.
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Smowy...............surely MOST people have NEVER been arrested??

But skiing is a good one. In the 80's everyone I knew went skiing - never interested.
I have never watched The Sound Of Music.
I have never been to a KFC - and only ever once to a 'McD'.
I have never held a passport.
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The Sound of Music is a bit naff, granted - but it seems not as popular as The Von Trapps thought it was.
Just thought of another;

I have never actually bought a new 3-pice suite.
Seen any episode of Friends, the Office, Frasier
Ate oysters
Smoked ( tobacco products or weed)

Been to a McDonalds, Burger King, KFC or anything similar
Had a takeaway
Been on a cruise
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Barry - you have never had fish and chips straight from the paper??? You don't know what you are missing!!!
some of the above &

Never been to a football match.
Been in an IKEA
Eaten a chip butty
Seen or read any Harry Potter
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Prudie, I live nowhere near an Ikea but when the one opened in Bristol they did bus rides there direct from Taunton. Most people didn't realise they don't deliver!!! Ridiculous.

However, I have been there for their Swedish meatballs, which comes with jam???
1. Voted Tory
2. Watched Big Brother
3. Been to a McDonald's
Ikea long ago were you there?

No Harry Potter in any shape or form for me
Never learned how to swim...or drive...or ride a bike, though I tried
Have never watched Titanic

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