It's the voice I'm after. In the particular song I'm searching for there is none of that obnoxious repetitive drum machine beat that I'm coming to hate more and more as I continue my search. The effect on her vocals becomes so extreme I can only describe it as a cat's meow.
I do appreciate your leads however and your efforts to help me find the name of the female singer in posted video. It's a long shot I know but I haven't been able to relinquish the search.
I'm still not totally convinced that the singer is female. Veysel Biçer (a.k.a. Cut Off) is a writer and producer who uses a lot of electronic trickery on his tracks. Given the 'Lonely' has only ever been credited to his (professional) name, I suspect that the 'female' you're hearing is actually Veysel Biçer.
It's entirely possible I'm barking up the wrong tree. Another dead end in the pursuit. Apart from the music the vocal effects are very similar. Oh well, at least I can now direct the focus of my search elsewear. Thank you both for your help. My apologies for the 'music'.