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Film Title: Dream Scene Of A Woman Pushing A Pram Containing Alien Baby?

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tobytronic | 19:46 Sun 27th Nov 2022 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
The film has a short scene of a human female having a nightmare after sleeping with an alien. The nightmare is about becoming pregnant and subsequently living on the alien planet with the father. The dream sequence may possibly have a blue-filtered appearance and she's pushing the pram down an alien street. There are other alien mothers watching and gossiping. She awakens, understandably, terrified. I thought it was the original 'The Man Who Fell to Earth' but having rewatched it twice, I cannot find it. It is from a film that will be well over 20 years old. Thank you.


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Sounds interesting. Hope someone can identify it.
Only one I can think of remotely like this is Rosemary's Baby
I thought Rosemary's Baby as well but it involved the devil rather than an alien.
Just thinking about Rosemary’s Baby gives me goose pimples
This is the closes thing I could find from V
God! I'm glad I never watched that Webbo.
Sounds familiar but I think it may be an "Outer limits" Episode:

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Thank you for the replies. Just got home.
I will look at the suggestions. It does sound like a good film. If my brain did make it up, I'll have a go at turning it into a short story :-)
Around 2001, I was Convinced by a false memory that Burnley FC made me stand in as goalkeeper at a league match. It took 18 years to finally unravel what'd happened:
1983 I went on an evening match after work. Burnley needed a draw/win for promotion.
At the end of the match, the crowd stormed the pitch. In less than a second, I found myself on the floor under a large crowd crush. I will never forget the face of the man who rescued me. It was a super-human feat that he pulled off...
I've tried to find and thank him, but drew a blank. It was the hypoxia that made up the goalie scenario. Thank you.
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Sorry, it's definitely not either of the suggestions. I'll watch them both though. I'm more of a 'Genevieve' type film fan, but I do love some SciFi stuff like Twilight Zone et al. I love the Genevieve film's sentiment where the owner of the 'Darracq' stops to chat to the elderly gent, even though it almost certainly means losing the race and therefore his beloved veteran car.
I watched it as a kid and try to live my life trying to conduct myself in that manner. I sometimes succeed.
Note to self:
Shut up you boring old git, Ian and get to bed...
Thanks so far.
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Film Title: Dream Scene Of A Woman Pushing A Pram Containing Alien Baby?

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