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Sex Ed Failed Me

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justaddsomefrick | 23:53 Tue 14th Mar 2023 | Family & Relationships
21 Answers
I’m just wondering, is it possible to get pregnant using the withdrawal method? All of the websites that say yes describe it as having sex until he needs to cum then pulling out at the last minute.

My partner and I have sex for a little bit and then he pulls out way way before he even needs to cum and just jerks off the rest of the way. We also only do this on my period, the 3 days after my period and the week before it when I’m not ovulating. Is this safe sex? Can I get pregnant if we’re nowhere near cumming and doing it on infertile days?

There is no birth control I can use so please don’t suggest that :)


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History is littered with tales of women getting pregnant when it wasn't theoretically possible for them to do (through it being the wrong time of the month to conceive). So it might be somewhat unwise to put too much trust in watching the calendar.

Clearly, however, no women can get pregnant without a man's sperm. So you ought to be safe enough if withdrawal occurs well before ejaculation. It needs to be remembered though that many men suffer from premature ejeculation at some time in their lives and there can't be any guarantee that your partner won't become one of them.

As I see it, you and your partner are substantially lowering any risk of pregnancy but you're still not totally eliminating it.
It would be safer if your partner used a condom
As far as nature us concerned, the purpose of intercourse is pregnancy, so the odds are stacked seriously on favour of pregnancy as a result of pregnancy.

As Buenchco says, you can reduce the odds, but not eliminate them by the method you are using.

Remember, if every sperm fertilised an egg, you would repopulate the continent of North America - that's the level of odds in the risk you are taking.

As the old saying has it - what do you call couples who use the withdrawal method?


As a point of interest, why can't your partner use a condom?
Question Author
Im not sure how to answer your replies but here is the explanation

My husband won't use condoms because he says it feels so unstimulating that he would rather just abstain then use one

I can't take the pill because of the hormonal changes it causes, it's also impossible to get a dr appointment to get the pill script in my country

My have a crippling fear of surgery and hospitals so the shot, bar and iuds are out.

That's all we have :) spermicide is banned. We abstain most of the time but once every few months ill let him do it because its one of the rewards of marriage and the guilt gets to me. It just gives me terrible anxiety that im pregnant every time we do it
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1Ozzy the sexual preferences my husband and I have within marriage is none of your business. He is satisfied in other ways and penetration isn’t satisfying for either of us. He is satisfied through oral, chest and other women if he pleases. I didn’t ask for your opinion on my sex life I asked for an educational response with regards to the likeliness of getting pregnant having sex the way we occasionally choose to.
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There are other methods of contraception, the cap, if used properly is quite effective, Combine this with ovulation test kits that give a better guide to when you are ovulating. But remember if sperm leak out they can live inside you for around three days.
I suspect you are an Arab or Asian person, and the arrogance of your husband in demanding his own selfish pleasure at the expense of your peace of mind, and the risk of an unwanted pregnancy, is alien to the way of thinking on a UK site like this one.

You may not ask for our views, but again culturally, it's in our nature to call out appalling behaviour when we see it.
The answer to your question is yes, it is possible to get pregnant using that method.
Some rather sanctimonious responses here - not conducive to the site's usually friendliness. Perhaps that's what concerns those who recently perceived the site going downhill.

As a light-hearted aside - apologies to the OP for hijacking your thread - when I first saw this title I thought Ed had taken on a specialist assistant ;-)
Yes, I looked at it twice, Canary. :o)
///I suspect you are an Arab or Asian person///

Or a devout Roman Catholic Brit perhaps.
There are some thoughtful and informative answers but, put simply, yes you still could get pregnant.
I hope you are aware that by not using a condom and pleasuring each other both with penetration and other ways you are exposing yourself to all manner of sexually transmitted disease as your husband refuses to use a condom and has sex with other people.
yes you can get pregnant using this method
if you are 'doing it' and miss a period, then pregnancy is the most likely outcome.
having sex - appalling behaviour?
oh god it must be AB on a wednesday.
Jesus luvz ya baby

in my opinion

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