Hearing Aid in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Hearing Aid

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JinnyJoan | 21:29 Tue 28th May 2024 | Body & Soul
14 Answers

To anybody who is interested.  For many years I have worn NHS aids and bought aids at over £2,000 may be 2 or 3 times so that was £6,000.

I told you recently that the last NHS they gave me put me nuts with it being so unbelievably loud.

I have profound hearing loss but I know myself that now over the years no matter what hearing aid I got - NHS or bought - they do not give me hearing - only amplification which suits me.

I bought an aid on Amazon about a month or two ago (I wear it at night for bed) - it cost me £9 and it does me ok.  

The only "bad" thing is it has a dome whereby I always got a mould  but I can live with it - ie at night time.  The same aid (bought) with a mould during the day does the same thing.

So watch out hearing aid lovers wherever you are.


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My husband uses hearing aids.
I don't know why you need them at night, Jenny. What does the £9 one from Amazon do? 

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oh sorry - I use it for listening/amplification to the TV in the bedroom but in all honesty - subtitles have been the most wonderful thing in my life so therefore TV is down very low and I can watch subtitles - would never annoy my neighbours.  

JJ---do you mean that you wear your hearing aid in bed. Is it not uncomfortable if you do?

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LOL at Andres - I watch TV for a little while - then the ugly hearing aid is pulled out of my ear, put in my bedroom drawer and ready for action the next night.  

I see. Thanks Jenny. Husband uses headphones for watching tv. He can't get on with subtitles. Too much concentration needed. 😀 

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probably correct Cloverjo - I understand that but luckily enough for me I am an extreme fast reader.

some people can only read say like word to word as in reading a book but I can actually read perhaps a 5 or 6 lined paragraph at a glance - thank God for that.  

I use headphones and subtitles - not such a quick reader as you jj but I get by, though I occasionally have to rewind if I miss an important plot point.

But hearing aids were no good: I have tinnitus and they just amplified all the hisses and moans and sirens as well as the speech.

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every body with a hearing problem have different needs.

very true. I hope your aids work out.

Hi Jinny, can you explain to me, an NHS wearer, what are domes and moulds?  Is the Amazon aid better than NHS for daytime do you think?  I also love the subtitles!  

Domes are soft rubbed dome shapes that fit inside your ear, they are not custom made although they come in different sizes.


Moulds are custom made to fit your particular ear and are more visible although they do come in see through these days. There are images of moulds on this site




The audiology department of your hospital is the best place to go for you hearing aids, you must get referred  by your doctor. My husband had been going to Specsavers but with not a lot of success as his hearing loss is profound. The hospital provided him with aids which were properly moulded to the shape of his ears

Thanks Margo.

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The last hearing aid (digital) from NHS put my head away.  I had to go back about 3 times for them to adjust but the sound was incredible (painful).

I resorted to an old analogue hearing aid I found and that is what I wear during the day but as I say I wear £9 one for TV at night.

I will not be buying a £2,000 hearing aid ever again.  

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