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Animal Food

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JinnyJoan | 10:03 Tue 25th Jun 2024 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers

Without going to the nitty gritty I am buying dog food today for two dogs that I know who are very hungry.  I was reading about it and it did say that I could give them as well as the dog food like brocolli, bit of vegetables etc which of course I will cook for a minute or two.  Will that be ok.



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Personally I wouldn't do that, you don't know if that would cause stomach problems if those dogs aren't used to veg.  Our dog has quite a sensitive stomach and I know giving him even the smallest bit of veg, apart from carrots, has a really bad effect.
Id just buy some ordinary dog food.

Whose dogs are they - and how do you know they're hungry?

The owners are hungry and so will the dogs.  I will of course buy human food as far as I can go with pain in my legs.  I'm for a blood test today and after I will be on my travails. I am broken hearted about it all

Lots of food is poison to dogs, including chocolate.  Just buy them dog food, wet tins or pouches with some dog biscuits.  

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Animal Food

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