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teacher1 | 10:19 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

7d.  Old rose, something from Canterbury see in Church? (6) clam?e



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c lamb e

Question Author

Thank you roslyn ..... can you explain please?


lamb (Canterbury lamb) in CE (church)

Question Author

Thank you both so much. :o)

I assumed clambe is old meaning of rose  as in rose up.... but although it's an allowed Scrabble word I can't find it in my dictionary

I'm not sure about the see either- maybe it's a reference to the see/diocese of Canterbury

Question Author

newmodarmy ...... thank you .....just found it as climb in Chambers Dictionary.


Yes, I assumed it was linked to clamber, but the tense seemed wrong to me  as rose seemed like past tense

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Canterbury lamb in British English


New Zealand lamb exported chilled or frozen to the United Kingdom

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Thank you.

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