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Lucy Letby Guilty As Hell Of Killing All Those Babies?

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Hymie | 19:40 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Law
16 Answers

The current issue of Private Eye has a very interesting article casting doubt on my headline; well worth buying a copy just for this article.


At the time of Letby’s conviction and the appeal, the press damned her for such abhorrent crimes, leaving readers little doubt of her guilt.


But the Private Eye article casts doubt on the expert witness evidence and statistical analysis presented in the original trial.

One passage I found particularly interesting in relation to her appeal was that experts pointed out errors in interpretation of insulin results – but this was deemed inadmissible (in the appeal) because it was not new evidence, but a challenge to existing evidence.


No wonder so many innocents are banged-up and left to rot, if evidence presented in the original trial cannot be questioned based on subsequent analysis of that evidence.



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Why didn’t the defence call their own expert witnesses?

I will buy one (PE) on our say so Hyme

and will whine like hell ( like a   -  like a  - - whining thing) if I dont like it. The main point is that the babies were gonna die anyway I think and she was just near ... 

Defence dont have to call their witness and dont have to disclose his report - and most probz he cdnt support her case

New evidence is new stuff and NOT " oops I shd have said.." - and should not be available in the original instance. 

so you cant endlessly reargue stuff - want some Latin, no? well anyway - "interest res publicae sit finis ad litem" - it is in the interests of the ROman Republic that there shold be an end to litigation

golly shows how old that is  - res judicata is pretty strong amongst the English ( that something is settled by a judge and that means  settled).

I thought her conviction was a true bill

Oh the insulin bit is straightforward -  insulin is secreted as a hairclip and then the loopy bit is cleaved off - but kinda still there and can be measured

so if it is low, and the insulin high, then the insulin has come out  of a  bottle

Beverley ALlit was caught by this, and so  was the  paed (Rowe) who saw the discordant result Fri 5pm and went home and she killed a baby over the week end -  oo-er Doctor  !


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It will be interesting if this matter ends up before the Criminal Cases Review Commission and the verdict overturned on appeal – but given the speed of British justice, that will be many years away (while a possibly innocent person languishes in jail).

there are some quite high hurdles for the CCRC and they  were really attuned to the IRA bombers and have NOT functioned well in other areas. 

and as for Letby - being present and not involved at the sudden death of a seek leedol bebby is unfortunate but SEVEN is incredible !

also I have had bad days at work but never went home and wrote notes to myself - PP is a killa and should DDDDIIIIIIEEEEE !!!!

Did she do locums/ shifts anywhere else? The thing about Allitt , Thorpe ( thallium poisoner) and Toronto is that  they went else where and the unexplained deaths followed them - case closed as far as I  am concerned.

By the way - Murder on Ward 4 ( Allitt) is not  really worth a read. Nurse kills patients and gets caught - is an adequate summary

I do buy PE occasionally, and will try to find this issue.

I read a very interesting newspaper article recently (It might have been posted on here) which cast down on Letby's guilt. 

I don't believe she did it. These were very sick babies. No CCTV, no one saw her do anything wrong. I think she's innocent.

*Cast doubt not cast down 

Cloverjo, I believe this might be the newspaper report you read. It's quite long and detailed, the part about using statistical evidence is disturbing.

yes, some questions to be asked about the evidence. Why did well babies die when she was around? Because they weren't well, they were in ICU. Why did the deaths stop when Letby was moved? Because the unit had stopped taking babies into ICU. You don't need a killer nurse to explain this.

there was a New Yorker story as well, which was blocked for the duration of the trial (though Brits could still find it online)

Thanks Vulcan and jno.

I hope Letby is not left to rot in prison. I would contribute to a fundraiser for more journalists and lawyers to investigate further. 

" I hope Letby is not left to rot in prison."

Yes indeed, there appears to be something wrong in not only how the evidence was presented but also who was and wasn't allowed to present it.

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To be fair, the PE article did mention that concerns over Letby’s conviction had been raised in the New Yorker, Grauniad, Torygraph, Independent and Daily Mail.

The prosecution used 14 expert witnesses. The defence had one, but did not use him. So the jury got a very imbalanced picture.

well you do as a result of the admissibilty rules

but  the defence cd have hired another 13 if  they wanted.


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