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8 Mth Old Chihuahua...faeces In His Bed

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nomorewars | 11:10 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Animals & Nature
16 Answers

Bought him at 3 mths trained him well, everything going good, he went on pads all time, last mth he has peed on pad but soiled over apartment, sometimes he more often go on his pad providing that it is renewed everyday, I live in apt BTW top floor. Other day he went to eat a small dog poo in field, he often smells then I even found him rolling in faeces last week, this morn he pee on his pad but I went to reward him in his cage only to find dried poo in his bed, so annoyed now, if this continues I'm letting him go as this is discusting to me I never thought he would do this if trained correctly, has he been eating it to hid it from me? Mobility issues sometime I cannot get him out in morn to toilet... Where am I going wrong, I live him but can't tolerate this dirty discusting behavior, thinking of getting him new home but really don't want to.... Your thoughts and advise please



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I live in a flat & there is a condition in the lease - no pets such as cats/dogs which I think is very sensible. I might have a dog if I lived in a house with a garden but in a flat, no way.

Don't have a dog if you live in a top flat and can't walk the beast properly would be my suggestion.

Good Morning,

At 8 months he is still a youngster and as such will need time.

Dogs have several stages and will often revert to puppy behaviours when they hit their teenage cycle.

Your annoyance at the dog will trouble him and may actually make him mess more.  You need to be calm and even minded.

If you have mobility issues how long is he supposed to hold his bowel movements as at 8 months old he is still very young.

Suggest you go back to the basics and start toilet training again.

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Don't have a dog if you live in a top flat and can't walk the beast properly would be my suggestion.... 


My condition only came on recently, also it's not as if he's a German Shepherd he's a chi. He's a house dog same as a yorkie, I get up and get him out most days, infact usually twice a day.  

Can anyone tell me why is he going to eat poo, why is he bringing it to his bed.  I'll persevere for now. 

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Forgot to mention his food has been left out all day maybe I need stop feeding him at night say 7pm cut off then take him out 7:30 to toilet

Good morning again,

Once again he is a puppy and some puppies eat poo.

You cannot expect a puppy of 8 months old to last from 730pm till 730am its far too long.

Generally if a puppy eats at 7pm then he will need to poop from 10pm onwards maybe even 11pm.

I have had puppies bring it in from outside and hide it till later as a tasty snack.

Are you feeding him good quality food? Have you had him checked out at the vets?

How much entertainment is he getting? How much does he mix with other dogs and people?

Feed him earlier. He will poop 2 to 3 hours after eating. He is still a puppy. Praise him every time he uses the pad and give a treat. If he does poop on the pad  remove it straight away. Dogs like to roll and play in things that smell. We have horses and dogs!!!

Do not leave food out all day. He needs a set meal time to eat to 'train" him to poop at a convenient time

Google it (the poo eating) it's not uncommon:

"Most dogs eat poo (also known as 'coprophagia') out of habit, hunger, stress, or boredom. Only a very small number do it because of illness or something lacking in their diet. Habit - some dogs start eating poo at a young age, which then becomes a habit. Hunger - some dogs eat poo when they are hungry"

It's harsh but I tend to agree with douglas, a lot of negatives in your description, he's kept in a cage some of the time, top floor of a flat, sometimes doesn't get to go out, your disgust at the situation. Just because he's a chihuahua doesn't mean he isn't a dog that needs to experience the outdoors same as a large dog. I'd get him re-homed somewhere that's he's going to be well looked after at the earliest opportunity.

Did the breeder sell him knowing his home would be a tower block? Yorkies aren't 'house dogs' either. There should be no such thing as a house dog.

I agree with Prudie.  Dogs aren't toys - they need proper care and attention and you are clearly not able to give him the attention he needs.  It would be kinder to re-home him.

Cant really add to Prudies face other than to say DO NOT rub his face in it as some advocate.


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I agree with Prudie.  Dogs aren't toys - they need proper care and attention and you are clearly not able to give him the attention he needs.  It would be kinder to re-home him.)))


He gets out twice at least a day did you not read he goes to park and eats poo.  He's on the best puppy food plus he gets bits of scraps pork beef etc. He's in an open dog puppy cage in hallway not a prison, it's not a tower block I live in private  accommodation. Normally he gets out morning 10 mins, afternoon 1-2 hrs, night 30 minutes, every single day he's in the park!! 

Good afternoon,

What other interactions do you have with your puppy?

Do you do any snuffle training or puzzle training?

Why is his crate out in the hall and not in the main living area?

nomorewars, you asked for our thoughts and advice.  I gave mine.

He is a baby, if you can't look after him and don't have patience with him, please find him another home with someone who will take time with him, take him for walks, and love him.  He deserves it.

I think you're missing the point about the responsibilities of dog ownership. You need to do what's best for them, not what you think is correct.

A flat on the top floor is wholly unsuitable even for a small dog. The dog needs to be able to pee and poo more than your 2 times a day walk.

Dogs sometimes eat poo when they're out. Mine does it on occasion. Yes, it's disgusting, but that's dog ownership for you.

I really think you should rehome him, particularly whilst he is young. Please don't get another dog.

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8 Mth Old Chihuahua...faeces In His Bed

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