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Please Can Anyone Help Me Find The Artist

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kerri0390 | 10:25 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Music
11 Answers

Good morning everyone please can anyone help me I have a few songs that I downloaded years ago, but no matter what I do no one can tell me who the artist is, when I downloaded the album it said it was j.r. Richards is also known as Diswalla but there is no album or songs on his website I have messaged him but I don't think I will get a reply, one of the songs is called Devil's Advocate, and another song is Leave Me by the bay, I don't no how to upload a clip of the song if anyone does please let me no thanks



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Found a "Leave it buy the bay" song
10:32 Sun 28th Jul 2024

Or this Devil's Advoacate?

Oddly there's also this Beautiful End by the name you mentioned JR Richardsyoutube[EnEAyC0WCgA]


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hi thanks for quick reply so the leave me by the bay is the correct artist but I cannot make out his name can you please help me with this, as he is also the one that song devil's advocate thanks

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yeah diswalla is a great artist i thought he was the one who did the songs but the name on that album his not him please can anyone help me find that name

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another song is Dating the Dead this is by the same artist but just can't make out his name

I'm wondering whether this thread is all about promting this singer.

Matt Tsourdalakis


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Thanks so much for all your help great artist 

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Please Can Anyone Help Me Find The Artist

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