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Taylor Swift

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naomi24 | 08:27 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
31 Answers

Such a big star - but I've just realised I couldn't name a single one of her songs.  Not a clue.  How about you?



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Nor me!

Not my age group.

In fairness, when it comes to questions like this, if someone names a title there's a decent chance I've heard of it, but I tend not to go around matching artistes and their output and commiting it to memory.

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I think that's probably true, OG.  I probably have heard her songs but not thought about who might be singing them.

Shake it Off is the only one I know. Daughter is a huge fan but keeps her earphones on when listening so that we donn't have to.

I am the same although I might recoognise some of her songs, not sure.

There again I'm obsessive about BTS, they are worldwide famous to millions and filled stadiums across the world but many people in the UK apart from teens haven't even heard of them.

This is probably her most recognised hit.



The lockdown album Folklore saw a shift to more mature themes from the early country then pop stuff. Cardigan in particular was a good song and beautiful video.

The Midnights album doesn't have a bad track on it. Everyone is excellent. Maroon, Mastermind and the very sad Bigger than the Whole Sky đŸ˜ĸ.


I'm not a fan (relies too much on miming but writes some good songs) but I could name maybe 15-20 of hers as I'm interested generally in music from 1960-2020s

I used to be a fan but I'm trying to Shake it Off

Nope. Though I've heard of Shake it Off...but didn't make the connection. I don't understand her the few videos I've seen she looks useless as a live performer. 

You pay folk to scream at the start of your career and once it reaches critical mass, kerching.

You do have to keep up the pretence of being remotely interested in the proles though, identifying with their concerns, pretending to be just like them etc, to keep the cash flowing.

No, I can't name any of her output.

I still don't know these songs listed. On a recent holiday flight home though 2 quite unrelated (very) adult passengers were wearing her ERAS tour tshirts. It's been a sellout across Europe, no doubt.

^^ Her three concerts in Vienna were cancelled this past week as Intelligence had discovered terrorist plans to target the venue - sad.  Next concerts, I think, are at Wembley.

You mean to tell me've never heard of London Boy ?

Love story... I remember thinking songs a bit soppy but she's a bit tasty...

Don't judge me.

Oh, we're judging you Arky.

The far right wing hate Taylor Swift because she called out Trump for being.. Donald Trump and weird.   
Hence small children an concert goers are being targeted for terrorist attacks ☚ī¸ .

A bit convoluted there, Gromit.


Why did a 17 yo christian boy attack a Taylor Swift shindig in Southport? I don'y know. What has he been watching, what has he been influenced by?   
And why has her concerts in Austria been targeted.   
I am sure you have a more plausable explaination than mine 😀

Trump and Austrian Muslim terrorists takes some putting together, never mind a child murdering psycho in England.

Taylor Swift is a red herring.

I'm no fan of the Donald but this is a stretch

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