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Smile Songs From Musicals Quiz C/D 14/09/24

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ojoj | 10:14 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Can anyone help please ? I am completely stuck on the last 2. 

Songs from Musicals: 80) I am Ra around Ave (5) 

91) I go around with a camera for country (7) 



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80 Maria (as in Ave Maria)

80 Ave Maria is an anagram but wrong number of letters

91 America (I = camera), though not actually a country!

91 America?

^^ not =, but +

Ellie...Maria from west side story


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Thank you so much for your speedy answers.  Much appreciated. 

^Or Maria from Sound of Music

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Smile Songs From Musicals Quiz C/D 14/09/24

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