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Edinburgh Fringe Winning Joke.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:10 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Jokes
9 Answers

1. “I was going to sail around the globe in the world’s smallest ship but I bottled it.” – Mark Simmons




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TBF though I think No 10 is better...

10. “The conspiracy theory about the moon being made of cheese was started by the hallouminati.” – Olaf Falafel


I don't know why they announce a winner of best Fringe joke. They are always awful and must put folk off going knowing the others are going to be worse. Publicity is meant to attract, not repel.

Wow !  I remember that joke from when I was in junior school ...... 70 years ago !

Could do better.

Apparently when he was interviewed the winner said he needed the win because had lost his job marking exam papers and he didn't inderstand why because he always gave 110%.  To me, that's funnier than the winner.

I know humour is very subjective but soe of the top 15 were abysmal.


1. I was going to sail around the globe in the world’s smallest ship but I bottled it. - Mark Simmons

2. I've been taking salsa lessons for months, but I just don't feel like I'm progressing. It's just one step forward... two steps back. - Alec Snook

3. Ate horse at a restaurant once - wasn’t great. Starter was all right but the mane was dreadful. - Alex Kitson

4. I sailed through my driving test. That’s why I failed it. - Arthur Smith

5. I love the Olympics. My friend and I invented a new type of relay baton: well, he came up with the idea, I ran with it.- Mark Simmons

6. My dad used to say to me “Pints, gallons, litres” – which, I think, speaks volumes - Olaf Falafel

7. British etiquette is confusing. Why is it highbrow to look at boobs in an art gallery but lowbrow when I get them out in Spoons? - Chelsea Birkby

8. I wanted to know which came first the chicken or the egg so I bought a chicken and then I bought an egg and I think I've cracked it. - Masai Graham

9. My partner told me that she’d never seen the film Gaslight. I told her that she definitely had - Zoë Coombs Marr

10. The conspiracy theory about the moon being made of cheese was started by the hallouminati. - Olaf Falafel

11. I’m an extremely emotionally needy non-binary person: my pronouns are ‘there there’. - Sarah Keyworth

12. I've got a girlfriend who never stops whining. I wish I'd never bought her that vineyard - Roger Swift

13. Gay people are very bad at maths. We don't naturally multiply. - Lou Wall

14. Keir Starmer looks like an AI-generated image of a substitute teacher - Sophie Duker

15. Growing up rich is a hereditary condition. It affects 1% of people - Olga Koch




If they're the best, are they chosen by adults ?

A panel of comedy critics attend hundreds of shows, listening out for the best jokes before drawing up a shortlist of 10 favourites.

The jokes are then voted on anonymously by 2,000 members of the public who are asked to select their top three.


No details on their ages.

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Edinburgh Fringe Winning Joke.....

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