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Spectator N0 2668 By Pabulum

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Matakari | 09:25 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
20 Answers

Good morning, a nice little challenge from Pabulum! Help for the following should help me to crack the eminent victims. Thanks in advance!

10a    Run from libertine boy punches (7)  : ???L???

14a    Drudge what’s charred and bloke head off (10) : ???DER?LL?

1d    Dry bar hides last of beer (4) : ?R??  ( ARID )

3 d   Bill introduced to stop us torturing people (7)  : ?A??ST?

17d    Composer fences with Catriona (10) :  ?A?E?T????

28d    Chipmunk nibbled pillowcase in marketplace (7)  : ??U????  ( ROULADE )



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10 Roulade 14 Cinderella

1 Brut

3 Sadists

17 Palestrina

298 Souslik (your Roulade goes elsewhere!)

and palestrina 17d

Quinol, I gave that one...

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW! I found a few, but could not parse them satisfactorily. The final one:
39    Climber way across east side of Sinai (5)  : ?I?NS
And one confirmation, thank you, is Garry Sobers one of them?


Garry Sobers =yes

Liane (climber) = lane (way) surrounding "i" (ease/right side f (sina)I)


^^East/right side of (Sina)I

Question Author

Thanks for the reasoning, jj109! At first I hesitated between liane and liana for 39a, but went astray with 35d which I thought had to be LOCH or NESS. Thanks for elucidating this for which I now have:
35    Scots water very evil spirit (4) : ?ee? 

Deev - Dee (Scottish water) + v(ery)

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Thanks, Toorak, I'm coming to a close now.

Thanks, Matakari. 

PS I feel it's more than a 'nice little challenge' when you need so much help! 

Question Author

Good day, I’m pleased to have spotted the Unclueds except 32a, the synonym. A confirmation of my letters would be appreciated, thank you!

those letters are correct

The cricketer was "Deadly" Derek Underwood, so you need a synonym of his surname

Question Author

Gratitude, JJ109, for explaining that part of the preamble. As a lover of cricket, I should have worked it out. Thanks again, I'm done now!

I can't find the name of the third victim. I've asked my husband, a lifelong lover of the appropriate 'field' of action but he can't fill in the blanks.

Do I have the correct letters?

?r?h??   ?ow?i?g

Thank you


Cloverjo, your letters are correct. Do you want the first letter in each name, or the answer, or anything?

Graham Dowling.

Thanks, NACW. I found it 2 seconds after posting! 

Aww! Sorry!

Thanks Tilly 😀

Thanks, Cloverjo. Glad you got there, I was happy to give you the answer if you'd asked for it, so decided to check to see if you wanted it!

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Spectator N0 2668 By Pabulum

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