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A Forgotten Gem ....

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andy-hughes | 11:57 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Music
4 Answers

I love the chord changes on this, the lovely tinkly keyboards, and Darren Wharton's equisite solo.

Phil Lynott - much missed.



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I enjoyed that, Andy. Thanks.

I admire anyone who can play the piano or guitar, both of which I've tried with no success. 

You're right about that great keyboard solo, but the brass at the end is my personal hightlight. I'm a sucker for trumpet solos in pop songs.

Spotify decided to follow it with Wah's classic, Story of the Blues, so a double win!

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Has anyone noticed the similarities between the intro on this, and 'Alright' by Supergrass?

Thanks for that andy,like you say a forgotten gem,shadees of a blue orphanage was one of my favourites also.

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A Forgotten Gem ....

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