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Last Night Of The Proms....

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10ClarionSt | 07:31 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Music
3 Answers

...always reminds me of 2001, when my daughter played the opening fanfare for proms night of The National Festival Of Music For Youth at The RAH. They played the Victory Fanfare, to start the concert, in front of the Culture Minister at the time, Tessa Jowel. It was a fantastic night but spoiled slightly I thought, by the organisers changing the words to Land Of Hope And Glory.

The concert took place in November 2001, just weeks after 9/11, and they said the song was too jingoistic in the wake of that disaster, so they changed the words. Of course everyone sang the proper words. Well, I did and others near me did.




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🤔 and, err, um, please excuse me for being dumb😏 

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The Last Night Of The Proms. A proms concert. We went to the youth one at the RAH. 


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Last Night Of The Proms....

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