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Which Top For Next Weekend?

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abbeylee90 | 16:49 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
43 Answers



If you want to criticise don't comment because I have asked others aswell



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Whichever one you prefer, Abbey,  there is no right or wrong.  Not everyone has the same tastes in fashion, it's all down to choice.

Where are you going?

I prefer the bottom right one. The others look a bit, well, uncomfortable.

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Out for a leaving do

Bottom right

Out where? 

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To the pub and maybe more bars 

Serious question Naomi, do you buy a new top every time you go out of do you have a wardrobe that would make a supermodel blush?

I don't like the leopard print one at all.  The plain black one is quite nice.  The red one with sleeves isn't very dressy.  

Sorry Naomi, that was aimed at Abbey. You were obviously on my mind 😁

No mozz - but neither does abbey.  I think we've seen all these before.

Haaa!  I have that effect on men, mozz.  🤣

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Yes the re leopard print has been worn

Abbey, I'm curious. Most people on AB aren't keen on all your slashed, revealing outfits, but you've had some of them for a while. When - or where - do you wear those? 

Thank you, of seductress. I was probably thrown by Abbey using catalogue pics. As you were.

Abbey, I've posted a question for you in Family & Relationships.

I don't doubt it really, mozz.  Back to normal.  😂

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Some have been worn

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Curly or straight hair?

Whichever you prefer.

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Which Top For Next Weekend?

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