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Hazlinny | 12:48 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Having a tidy-up, I came across quite a pile of belts which I have worn through the years - narrow, broad, chain, plaited, etc.  Not sure but think broad belts are back in fashion - so ladies and gents, what is your favourite style of belt if you wear one?
No Douglas, don't mention chastity belt 😀



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Okay, I'll belt up.

I am only concerned with their ability to hold the rabbles up.

what about a belt instead of a really short skirt ? ( may need two  hair styles)

money belt

I was rifling through my drawers a couple of weeks ago and found a few belts. I threw them out as never wear them now. I kept one thin tan coloured one tgat still had a label on, so I thought I might keep just that one! 

I keep old belts - a nostalgic reminder of my previous waist measurement!

Recently bought a pair of braces.

Elasticated waists are defo the way to go 👍 

I wear a leather (probably faux) designer belt - but I've forgotten the designer name so rather an expensive white elephant 😁.

Probably a bit stupid an Octogenarian wearing Designer gear anyway.


Why? Octogenarians are allowed, indeed encouraged, to be smart and 'trendy' 😉

Not "mutton dressed up as lamb" then Vagus ?

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Agree with Vagus.  I was hoping to see someone who possessed a Western cowboy belt with striking buckle. 👖

I always wear a belt. I blame elasticated waists and stretchy leisure wear for the obesity crisis - you doesn't notice the weight gain when your clothes stretch with you

Not at all canary, just go for it, who cares what anyone thinks when you get to a certain age.
I behave however I want now, I really, truly, don't give a stuff what anyone thinks anymore, didn't care much when I was younger to be honest, but now, well, I am who and what I am and if anyone doesn't like it then that's their problem 😉

Elasticated waists make life comfy, I don't think they're responsible for the obesity crisis at all, don't see the connection to be honest 🤷‍♀️

Yes Vagus, I am becoming increasingly like that.

Vagus, Canary seems out of sorts tonight, must be the millet.


Used to buy clothes in Millets and re invent them as trendy things with the help of a sewing machine 

Favourite belts ? Decent thick, wide ones, not those skimpy straps that claim to be belts.  A decent size buckle helps too.

Black leather one that serves its functuality, holding up my jeans and rarely trousers these days. I have had black leather designer ones which have been lost or borrowed.

As a kid I loved my snake belt:

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