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1 In Every 100 In Uk Is Illegal !

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Khandro | 13:01 Wed 09th Oct 2024 | News
55 Answers

Why will nobody do anything ? Labour seems even worse than  the Tories were. Only Reform UK seems to be serious about the issue.



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I will say that I will not believe anything written in an American Far right 'news' network.

If this is the case do you have a link to the Oxford findings?

It is more!

//However, the actual number of people who illegally entered the country is likely much higher, given that the researchers did not count asylum seekers in its tally, meaning that the vast majority of those who crossed the English Channel illegally were not counted as they almost all apply for asylum upon reaching British shores.//

Here is the research that was funed by UK Research and Innovation, Te EeYoo, and Canadian Migration and Integration. Not an American in sight. Although they are the only ones who haven't ignored or tried to bury it as yet. 

TOGO, can you not spell, "EU"?

2TK will solve that in 5 minutes, make them all legal and give them a house! Sorted!

1.45pm - surely Rayner has to build them first. She's promised 1.5m by the end of Labour's one term as the Govt and the average needed per day is increasing per day.

"If this is the case do you have a link to the Oxford findings?"

You don't have to rely on US Right-Wing "ravings". 

The figure is widely cited and I imagine would have been repudiated by Oxford-Compas by now. But in any case, here you go:

Table 12 on page 31 contains the figures in question.

There’s lots of discussion in the paper about how reliable he numbers are (in fact far more than why they are so outrageously high). For example:

“The countries with the largest estimated irregular migrant populations in Europe (the UK and Germany) have some of the most outdated estimates and represent a significant gap in the knowledge base.”

I would agree with that and I suggest that the UK’s figure is an under-estimate. It does not contain those whose asylum claim has been rejected and who have either disappeared into the ether or lodged an appeal or another claim.

I think I heard on the wireless the other day that the death rate has outstripped the birth rate.  If this continues our population will shrink.

Isn't it good that these young people, full of get up and go, and hopes to make a better life, have come here?

When we are old and in need of care some of these will be the ones providing it 

14:12 it wont shrink with 25000 muslims crossing the channel every year.

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Sandy Roe // Isn't it good that these young people, full of get up and go, and hopes to make a better life, have come here?//

All these carers, Astrophysicists & Brain surgeons flooding in on rubber boats are just what the country needs.

If only it were so. The truth is that they are almost entirely young males (look at the pics) many of them criminals, low in I.Q. & high in testosterone. 

sandyRoe "I think I heard on the radio the other day" are you not sure? these coming in droves are not likely to contribute to the economy will in the end be a net drain on an already failing system,they are not highly skilled workers.

Muggings, rapes and attacks will continue to rise as long as the boats continue. 

The UK is DOOMED!😢 (no I'm not joking)

Think of the Jewish people who came here in the 19th Century.  They were subjected to vile anti-Semitic slurs.  Even Charles Dickens featured one as the leader of a gang of young street thieves.

Their descendants are now a well integrated part of our society.

It time the same will happen to the people coming now.

They were families not hordes of young males.

gawd you are clueless sandy. The jews were hard working contributors. What you are talking about are anti western terrorist sympathisers with low IQ and no skills. They want to come here to groom and rape young girl, rob and steal and get free everything and islamify the country.

//Charles Dickens featured one as the leader of a gang of young street thieves.//

Will be emulated but with knives & not just pick-pocketing hankies!

sandyRoe, the same won't happen with the people coming now because, unlike the Jews, in the main they would prefer us to adopt their culture rather than the other way around.

"Isn't it good that these young people, full of get up and go, and hopes to make a better life, have come here?"


Surely that's got to tongue in cheek? I struggle to believe somebody would truly think that.

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Here's a thought; Sandy Roe thinks they are so needed, why not send them on to him in Northern Ireland ?

Even the ECHR couldn't object to that.

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1 In Every 100 In Uk Is Illegal !

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