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Well, they finally figured out what is obvious to anyone with any sense.

...I thought the boxing assocs already said he can't box with the women but the IOC ignored that and let him box women.

Hallelujah! I hope this is true.

Why are they still calling him 'she' and 'her'?  

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The Algerians made monkeys of the IOC and the 'captured' folks at the top of the tree let them do it.

It was shameful and never again should any man be applauded for getting in the boxing ring and punching women.


I really hope this is true. But I can't find any reports anywhere else. But I have found this:




"The Algerians made monkeys of the IOC and the 'captured' folks at the top of the tree let them do it." Sure but really they just took advantage of the collective common sense denial that seems to be sweeping society at the moment.

It's a shame it took so long.

some people rail against the likes of Facebook then fall for FB stories when it suits them, it seems

Oops...I didn't get as far as New Judge's post.

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I took the link from a post on X/Twitter made on the account of a high-profile sportswoman.

Shortly after I read it and posted it here, she posted further to say that it was 'an online report' and not her info.

I am disappointed a) that it is not true, b) that she posted without fact-checking and c) that I did the same. 😧

...d) this rowlocks is still allowed!

If she had a baby would she still be considered a man?

\\If she had a baby would she still be considered a man?//

No, a miracle

This is a tricky situation. The boxer was born and raised a girl. She/he is not a transgender cheat. That's a whole different argument.

Similar to Caster Semenya, the runner. 

The troubling difference is that Khelif's sport requires him/her to physically bash up the opponent.

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I think that he was ill-used by the sporting bodies in Algeria - they were the ones driving this fraudulent scheme.

That he was born with a DSD is regrettable but no excuse for him to get into a boxing ring with women not having the same physiological advantages that he has.

There is a surprisingly large number of athletes with DSDs who are encouraged by their national sporting associations to compete in womens' sports.

The sooner it is stamped out, the sooner young women and girls can be persuaded back into sports they are giving-up because they are being invaded by men.

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Olympic Boxing Controversy Update

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