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Good Morning Early Birds

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Smowball | 07:02 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Have been awake most of the night, hence Ive already popped up on several other threads, and posted one of my own in middle of night re the  tragic sudden death of  singer Liam Payne from One Direction. (See other post)

Very dark and grey here, Looks like it's in for the day. Seems we are going to have a very soggy autumn to follow on from a very soggy summer : (

i finally ordered a TENS machine to try for my back pain after several recommendations for it on here, and it arrived lastnight so I'm going to be trying it today! Looking forward to seeing how it works and feels!

Hope we all have a good day? Try and make the most of every second x



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Morning. It's still quite dark outside, depressing.

Hope the TENS gives you some relief, I know several people who benefit from them.

A Mish mash day of appointments for us, which will mean a lot of sitting around thumb twiddling for me.

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Morning Barry. Yes I've never used one so have no idea what they are meant to feel like lol,but shall find out in an hour or so. 

Down here the sun is breaking through and forecast to have a dry day, so going to make the most of it and get out.

Mr U has decided he is going to get the small bistro table and chairs in and put them out on the balcony, a bit optimistic but keeps him happy.

Hope the TENS machine works for you.

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Morning ubasses, sounds like a plan - as you said, as long as it keeps him happy lol.

Morning Smow, hope your Tens machine gives you some relief. Sun is trying to break through here. Going to the garage today to get my lights back - I feel such an idiot I ought to be able to fix it myself. Got the teenager next door to valet the inside of the car and he must have turn/ knocked a switch somewhere. I went out and came back in the dark last night, and discovered I had not got all my lights on. My car is so computerised they come on automatically without my having to think about it. I got the manual out and still couldn't work it out! Hate to admit it, but it will not be the first time I have been back to ask how something works. Still they are very helpful and patient with me.

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Calda - I feel your pain. I spend most of the day on my iPad using various sites,photos, images etc etc,technology all day basically,  but can I switch on our house alarm?? No! lol. I've been shown endless times how to do it - it's literally 2 buttons, but I'm always terrified I'm not going to be able to get back into the house without setting it off so my mind goes blank every time I'm meant to put it on, so I don't! : (

Morning all. Its a bright  sunny day here after orrential rain yesterday. Nothing planned for today for  us, so I have no excuses to sort one or two things out.

I know what you mean about technology, if anything goes wrong I panic, I still think  if I mess about with stuff I will  *** the whole thing up. Unfortunately Mr R is even worse. We miss my younger son as he was our Mister Fixit.

Have a happy day everyone

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Hi Rosetta. I've just used the TENS machine for the first time. Not sure if it will do any good but it certainly feels good! Still have to suss the various modes/ settings but it seems to go up to  a level 40 intensity, I only had it on 16 to try it out but that felt v nice. Says to use no more than twice a day. 

Sounds a promising start Smow. Long may it continue. I've never used one or know how it works, but I've seen several on here who have been helped by them 

If I've had a known cause for a pain (strained/torn muscle etc.) I've used it 4 times a day with no problem.  E.G. My recent hip replacement - the TENS was operating on various bits of my slashed muscles abou 6 times per day at strong frequencies.... it worked!

Backs are dicey though, so obey the rules.  :)

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Good Morning Early Birds

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