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A Fb Advertisement For A Sword Stick.

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sandyRoe | 13:04 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

It's designed like a walking stick a pensioner might use.  

Why does FB allow such dangerous products to be advertised?



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a pensioner shouldnt be drawing and stabbing with a sword stick  !


where do YOUlive - 

Dangerous to who, the pensioner or the scumbag that attacked them?

A chance to build a custom one on their own workshop. They'd need both metalworking and woodworking skills though.

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Imagine someone pushing past you in the queue at the post office.  Tempers flare, swords are drawn.  It doesn't bear thinking about.

Gentlemen with sword sticks are raised too well to be doing such things.

Sort out the varlets down the offy.

A friend of mine doing door security was threatened by a knob with a sword stick. 

Under current legislation, they are illegal.

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A Fb Advertisement For A Sword Stick.

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