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'Cach 22' Situation.

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Khandro | 10:02 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Internet
9 Answers

I'm locked out of my email account :   (t-online, a subsidiary of Telekom.)

I'm asked to identify myself by one of three options; SMS, email or by a piece of memorable information.

For the SMS, the mobile phone number they have is a very old one and no longer in use, I obviously can't receive a security code as an email because I'm locked out !

I gave my piece of memorable information - the name of my elementary school, but the robots  still want one of the other pieces of info. 

I have tried contacting t-online but am getting no response. Fortunately I do have a little used gmail account so I can send but not receive because no one knows it.

I don't expect anyone can give advice, but I post this as a warning to make sure the information to your email provider is up to date. ☹ 




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Good advice. I also keep a separate database of all my contacts' email addresses, phone numbers etc in case this happens 

Good warning, I've been there and it's bloody frustrating.

Maybe .......after a strong coffee you might remember  whether you chose ......your first place or work, road where you first lived, favourite pet, mother's maiden name....just a few often asked .  Good luck

I tried logging into my account yesterday.  I haven't used the site for a couple of years and the contact phone number no longer existed.

I phoned Boots and spoke to a guy who sorted the problem in less than fifteen minutes.  

I had a similar problem with Virgin Media last year.  It took months to sort out and was an unpleasant experience.

I hope you get it sorted soon.

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Still not heard from my email provider, but I have discovered to my great relief, that sometime in the past, in a moment of untypical acuity, I made a file of my email addresses.

If you haven't done this I suggest you do so. 

I also forward all my important emails to a second email address with a different provider.  Useful if one account is hacked.

You need to make sure the file is protected. Maybe libreoffice, which lets you set a password for a database or text file.

You forgot your email address , which you've now remembered 

Did you also forget  the password ?

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Bazile: //You forgot your email address , which you've now remembered Did you also forget  the password ?//

I forgot neither, they were accepted, but then I got a message that someone had perhaps been trying to access my account & they want confirmation that I am me.

That's the Catch22: the phone number they have no longer exists & I can't receive a security code by email ... because I'm locked out !!

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'Cach 22' Situation.

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