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This Is A Thread About Peter Lynch

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Clone | 13:22 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
45 Answers

Peter Lynch is a grandfather who has killed himself in HMP Moorland, Peter was aged 61.

Peter did something stupid and wrong but to jail him for two-year and eight-months was also wrong.




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where did you get that he killed himself from that link?

Had another heart attack more like.

He made the mistake of supporting his own country against invasion and islamification. The Starmer Stasi running our country let out sex offenders to make room and ordered the judiciary to be harsh on patriots like Mr Lynch. It'll probably be reason for celebration for our resident neo fascists. RIP Mr Lynch, respect.

respect for joining in a riot?

If it's the right thing, and you are so patriotic how come you didn't go out rioting?

There's no mention of his killing himself in that link and his death is the subject of an investigation.

"The Starmer Stasi running our country...", really?

Dan Wooton says he killed himself, so of course it is true.

Wrong place, wrong point in history, he was unlucky.

Now if the same vigour was shown in dealing with root causes of dissatisfaction, none of this stuff need happen.

Our leaders appear clueless/lazy/uninterested/thrawn when it comes to dealing with invasion and will be remembered when the polling cards come out next time.

14:52 No he got carried away and did the wrong thing but his punishment was political. I respect him for feeling he had to get involved, clearly he got caught up in the whole thing but you normally have to do a 1000 burglaries to get anything approaching this sort of sentence. Thus the judiciary who love to claim they are independent were ordered to be harsh probably had bribe baubles dangled in front of them by Starmer's enforcers.

absolutey incredible TTT. i know i disagree with you reasonably often but admiring someone for participating in riots is completely at the other end of my spectrum

15:17 clearly you have not read what I said have you just jumped in with both feet. I don't admire him for participating in riots. I think, Like many he probably did not intend any more than protesting but ended up doing more than that. I respect him for being concerned about our country enough to even contemplate doing something. The sentence was political.

He was holding this sign, i'm sure I've seen worse from the pro palestinian protesters

Whilst Mr Lynch was jailed for his airing his frustration at the invasion and islamification of our country, this clown was allowed to throw a drink in a Politician's face:

Of course if it has been a member of the "Neo-Nazi Far Right" who threw a drink in the face of a law-enforcer on one of the nights of the protests, she would have probably been handed a sentence similar to the one Peter Lynch received. Instead she will pay a measly fine and walk free from court. 


A judge's lot is not an 'appy one.

damn savages...

we are still waiting for those Muslims who attacked the police at an airport to be prosecuted.

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Had another heart attack more like.


If that goes down as the cause of death then we are in deeper trouble than I already think we are in.

Is speculation about the cause of death helpful?

curly fries, that woman has not been sentenced yet.  she has admitted guilty to assault by beating, which has a top sentence of 6 months

I'm well aware of that, bednobs. But in all honesty do you think this attention-seeking idiot is going to get a custodial sentence?

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