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Yahoo E-Mail

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Old_Geezer | 10:16 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | Internet
4 Answers

Anyone else got issues today with Yahoo e-mail ?

On my client it claims I need to reauthenticate, takes me to a capcha robot test, where it fails to notice that I get it right both times and telks me try try again tomorrow !!! Go to and it does basically the same. Went to their help page and it's continually loading with the spinning circle.


Other sites I've no problem with.



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I take that no one has a yahoo e-mail account then.


It seems that whatever their problem was, it was sorted as I've just managed to confirm all.


They didn't put up the capcha this time. It was still a major pain thought having to log in, receive digit strings, and type them in. One might have expected an apology, but no.

On my tablet it keeps asking me to enter credentials. Says it will send an email...and back we go in circles. No capcha. Fine on my phone though. 

think I've sorted it. I had to do the 'check all photos with bicycles/motor cycles/bridges about 7 times. Hard to see on a small screen. Grrrrr!

No issues either on my ipad, mac or pc.

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Yahoo E-Mail

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