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Right - Another Question

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JinnyJoan | 19:29 Tue 07th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

I have known for quite a while that sister when she picks up her pension in the post office over the years pays like say about £20 a week extra for her electricity and gas and this has grown to £2,000 credit.

Talking to her today she is aware of this - she brings it up and wants me to pay more of etc.  Of which I will not do.

I am looking after her money affairs and last Saturday I knew she had £600 in her purse but she gave it to girls over the weekend whom she reared and who are now in their 40s and she tells me today there is no £600 in the purse now.

I would say she loved these girls and she has given them this money for Christmas past etc and etc - then she brought the £2,000 business.

Believe me I am not interested but if she wanted this money back to her account - will she get it or will the electric company say "oh let's take it off her future account".

She is extremely compos mentis but is not walking and thinks she is going to make it into her own home - me - no way hosay is she going back to her home.  she is kidding herself.

After about 10 or 11 weeks still can't get out of the bed onto the chair - 

For me for her to be an intelligent woman - she is not getting something right.

any answers would be welcome - thanks




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Yes she can get the money back from electric company, she will need to email or phone them and request a refund 

It is better to ask for the money back now. Is the credit with the electric company or the Post Office? If you ask on her behalf you might need a letter saying that she cannot do this because of illness. You might need assistance to get this sorted for her

Do you actually have Power of Attorney, JJ? Can you make decisions in her stead?

If she's OK in herself then she can just phone the utility company and ask them to refund her some of the credit that had built up.

It might be unlikely she will be physically well enough to make it home but please allow her to hope: it's what keeps her going. 🙂

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