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vestanpance | 23:47 Sat 11th Mar 2006 | Music
23 Answers
If you had to recommend one album to listen to what would it be?


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Iwould recommend 'Crossroads' by Bon Jovi or 'Fallen' by Evanescence
Brave by Marillon

Love is Here - Starsailor

the one you make yourself, cant go wrong there
Rumours - Fleetwood Mac.
Funeral - Arcade Fire
This week I are been mostly listenin' to... David Gilmour - 'On An Island'. Last week it was Lee Kernaghan - 'Electric Rodeo', and next week I've no doubt it'll something else. Favourites come and go but they'll always remain favourites, and don't forget personal taste comes into this as well.

Deja vu.

Crosby,stills,nash & young

Our House & teach your children, superb songs, really easy listening from great musicians.

Goodsoulette you have great taste, I adore Starsailor. The Magic Numbers new -ish album is great.

London Calling - The Clash . Although strictly speaking its a double album.

fugazi by marillion,or,bat out of hell,meatloaf
a bit obscure, but either Only Heaven by The Young Gods, or Asphalt by In The Nursery
Prince - Sign 'O' The Times
Sgt. PeppersLonely Hearts Club Band. - The Beatles.
Lamb lies down on broadway by Genesis
My daughter says.. "Antics" by Interpol is the best album ever:-))
Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill or BellX1 - Flock

The used-The used. Well good

Jack Johnson-In between dreams...

cant name one thats impossible i can think of like 50 now...making compilations is the best

'You See Colours' by Delays, or 'Viva Hate' by Morrissey
sunflower68... my new best friend. Do you use the SS message board?? I got a cool Good Souls video on myspace!!

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