Some years back I had a conversation with a Frenchman who mentioned a French classical composer (whom I had not heard of) who he said had composed a piece which I had not heard of either but which he insisted was instantly recognisable and I would know it as soon as I heard it. Many months later I heard a snippet of music which I think may have been what he was talking about - wonderfully melodic even though it was very simple in structure. More recently I read about a French composer who apparently was very excentric and something of a loner living in a flat where nothing was changed for the last years (decades ?) of his life (he died relatively recently) - I think he may have been the person in question. All of this is now bugging the bejezus out of me. Any suggestions for the music and composer ?
There's not much to go on, but I think it could be Erik Satie (although he didn't die recently).He wrote some very haunting piano pieces, which are quite simple in structure - the three gymnopedies (sp?) are the most famous.