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what is perfect pitch

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Fish the Mod | 18:11 Sat 01st Jul 2006 | Music
5 Answers
The Beatle producer, Sir George Martin has or had perfect pitch....what is that


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In his case it's the ability to hear a musical note and know what the note was.

Absolute pitch, or "perfect pitch", is the ability to perceive and comprehend musical sound as though it were language. "Naming notes" is the most recognizable effect of this perception.
Sphinx just about has it in one there. Of course, you can only name the note if you can read music in the first place. Likewise, it also means when you see a written note, you can sing it right on key.

This beggars the questions, of course, as to whether someone who can't read music can still have perfect pitch.
Perfect pitch is also the ability to sing a given note without any cue.
I can name any note, but can't read music ... there's your answer SaxyJag
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what is perfect pitch

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