i have been a nurse for 6 years now and i am soooo fed up ..i really want a new career and find myself extremely miserable..i am upset i feel this way because i wanted to be a nurse very much and worked so hard to get there..i still care for my patients but feel so disillusioned my the system and colleagues. any other nurses felt this way ? anyone gone on to do something different? x
Katie I saw a question just like this @ a week ago on this section; I suggest you cursor down to that as well as reading the answers you get here so you'll have more ideas. Sorry can't be of more help as I'm not a niurse.
I've always said that if I was a nurse and single I would go out to the United Arab Emirates and work. Apparently, they have a great time, earn good money and all in the sunshine too. However, I suppose it's not an option if you have a partner/family.
Im leaving the profession to become a pharmacist. I cant wait to stop being treated like sh1t, and being disheartened by the general slagging that all nhs employees are getting in the press nowadays.
i work privately and earn fairly good wages but i just think today you cant nurse properly ..its all paperwork and politics and budgets with no time for actually caring for the patients . i just dont know what to do anymore . :(