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everything is gonna be alright rockabye??

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bluedolphin | 12:36 Fri 25th Apr 2003 | Music
5 Answers
can anyone help me name this song from around 5 years ago. It is instrumental for the most part with a guy talking about life ..aging etc of the lines is about taking care of your hair and the chorus is like the question title. Kind of a novelty song really. thanks


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Without my Guiness Book Of British Hit Singles here I can't confirm it, but I think it's 'Rockaby' by Shaun Mullins.
Tis indeed Shawn Mullins with "Lullabye"
Certainly sound like Mullins but that isn't 'novelty' in my opinion. Perhaps 'Sunscreen' by Baz Luhrrman, circa 1999 and a novelty, spoken-word track.
I think the words you're all grasping for is one hit wonder, Lullaby was his only hit in Britain but I believe he's massive in the States.
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Thanks everyone and appologies...I seem to have gotten two songs mixed up. I was actually looking for sunscreen but somehow I thought the line everything is gonna be alright was in it....anyway thanks and 3 stars to all.

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everything is gonna be alright rockabye??

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