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billycromo | 22:02 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | Music
2 Answers
In an episode of Scrubs, theres a guy who sings with a guitar. at first he is sitting on a bench, playing and singing, then he gets up and follows Jd and turk down, the road and into the hospital. he the becomes a patient, and is wheeled through the hospital in a wheel chair (still playng the guitar and singing) he also is in a cupboard with Jd and then dies. at the end of the episode he comes back, and then Dr cox smashes his guitar against a wall....
i really like the song! and was wondering if any one knew who it was buy and what it was called!!


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The episode was entitled "My Overkill" and featured Colin Hay (who was the lead singer of Men At Work) singing his own track "Overkill".
hi the only help i can be is that i think he is the singer from men at work.

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