guy/song in "3" advert? in The AnswerBank: Music
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guy/song in "3" advert?

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carpozijr | 13:22 Tue 31st Oct 2006 | Music
4 Answers
Who is the guy and what is he singing? He is playing a guitar and singing a song on a beach around a campfire, there is a little girl and a dog (I think) beside him.

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Sorry....just noticed that this should have been in the adverts section....just found the answer.
Wheres the advert topic?

i know the song is David Bowie but who is the bloke?

Life on Mars - Bowie
I dont know who the man who is in the advert but i do know that the song he is singing is called 'life on mars' by david bowie.

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guy/song in "3" advert?

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