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the bridesmaid s a whore

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dtr123 | 22:22 Sat 18th Nov 2006 | Music
13 Answers
Any idea what tune this is from. Its a new on i think.


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Panic At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies
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Brillianr as always
Was your wife the bridesmaid?
Question Author
Ha ha ha, oh stop it, you're just too amusing.
Thats right, amusing and solvent.

Unlike you.
Question Author
More like solvent abuse aren't you, thats why you can't help yourself slating other
Oh dear!
Another silly **** who thinks it's ok to use child's text language.
Enjoy Christmas in your bedsit loser.

Question Author
You too you moron!
Now you're just being down-right rude!

Why not try being civil for a change, rather than insulting your superiors on the internet.

It's not my fault your wife ran off with another fella.
Question Author
Ahh, now I see, you have a superiority complex.

Ok then awfully sorry oh great one. I bow down to your obvious wealth of knowledge and deeply apologise for any upset that I may have caused.

Oh and seriously have a nice christmas. Tis the season and all that.
Well that's jolly decent of you.
Thank you and Merry Christmas to yourself too.
Question Author
Dear Sponsmith, I dont want to start arguing and have a slanging match with you again, too little time in life. BUT on one of the posts that we have been insulting/arguing with other you say that I havent worked out who you are and that you will see me next week.

I know that your name is Barry from other posts but I dont know anyone called Barry so assume that you dont know me.

Let me know it will be a huge weight off my mind.

Happy new year by the way.
Was just pulling your leg.
Name isn't Barry anyway, it's Karen.
Happy New Year.

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the bridesmaid s a whore

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