all answers are items to be found in the countryside - flora, fauna, landscape features or man made items 1. A number of rods make an entrance closure 2. Looks like female feathered friends!! But isn't 3. Was wire sold round and about? 4. The tingle sent ting all around! 5. Can you bend wide around it? 6. Get heat into the pans then you could cook it 7. They may score if confused enough 8. Make of car without a connection? 9. Binds rest of them together for a home 10. Sounds a soft pulp part of the house! 11. What a lucky one she turned out to be 12. The small magazine has a dish with it 13. He put the load in the den 14. How far must I look to find it? 15. Metal by the seashore? 16. A twelve inch orbit? 17. If led round correctly he'll yield it 18. Climb this with elegance? 19. There's a range of food at end of the open space 20. A united reaper? 21. Sounds to go quickly to a watering place