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welshwil | 17:03 Sun 26th Nov 2006 | Music
11 Answers
people who dont like oasis, whats that about?


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er - its called freedom of choice, I believe.
freedom of choice simple which is just as well,it makes life a bit more interesting,did you see parky last night quite intresting our noel
of course, welshwil, if we were being pedantic and annoying, we could answer ............oasis? I hate the stuff. feels revolting to the touch, is a nasty shade of green and crumbles so easily when dry.
Hate them with a vengance - overrated Beatle ripping off has-beens.
Now be fair, almcd. There's much more to Oasis than just ripping off The Beatles.

They've also ripped off The Kinks, T. Rex, The New Seekers... ;-)
That's right littleold me - I was being - i think diplomatic !!! I think the best thing that sums up Oasis for me is Avid Merrion from Bo Selecta doing his mad impression - it's just so Oasis !!

By the way I wish they would adjust their mikes before going on stage !!
Well I just don't particularly get enthralled by "Definitely Maybe" or its numerous reissues. And I don't see why any album needs altering five times.
If they were rip off's of others, they wouldn't be still this big 12+ years later...and in another 12 years time, they still will be...saw them in the early 90's when they did the pubs in Manchester - fab not the word...they'v worked there asses off to get where they are - not gone on some 'silly' t.v talent show (if thats what its called)...BIG UP OASIS!!!! LIVE FOREVA!!!
Delusion !
Musical taste
Champagne Supernova

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