Call me the biggest dobber in the world......but I've just bought an Ipod & I HATE IT. When trying to copy all my lovely music files from my media library into itunes, it's all scrambled up & I'm so anal that I can't possibly download them into my ipod like that....i'll be searching for ever for everything!!!!! Are there any ipod/itunes experts out there who could PLEASE help me!!!! I want to cry & then smash up my ipod & then probably my laptop. Please help before i do something drastic!!
I hated my Ipod so much that I sold it and got a nice cheapie MP3 player instead, that doesn't involve bloomin ITunes!! Rebel Disco Al, and get rid of it!
Thanks everyone, will give serious thought to your wise advice.......but I want to be able to use an MP3 player in the you know if any other makes do a compatible armband-type thing too?