Very said. Robert Palmer is mostly rememberd for his video that accompanied 'Addicted To Love' but it was only part of a really long, varied, and successful career, as the soon to come obituaries will remind us all. No doubt his 'Greatest Hits' will zoom to Number One, as usually happens on these occasions.
Gerry - ShawTee7 was referring to Mercy Mercy Me which was one of Palmer's songs, reaching No. 9 in 1991. I have to admit that RP was somebody that I just didn't get musically, though Friday's news came as a shock.
He was huge in the states, where most people didn't have a clue he was a working class lad from Yorkshire.
I loved "Riptide", but think the world will remember most the video to "addicted to love", which is still copied and pastiched to this day.
Like many things in life, you dont realise how good they are until they are gone.I joked earlier but it was very sad to hear of RP's death especially at the age of 54.