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Lyrics to a song

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judycavender | 23:46 Wed 04th Apr 2007 | Music
6 Answers
I am trying to find the lyrics to a song Roma Downey and Phil Coulter collaborated with together on the album "Healing." The song title id "The Old Man." If you have the lyrics, may I ahve a copy of them, please?
Thank you,
Judy Cavender
[email protected]


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HI, I have the album but my daughter has it at moment. I will get back with it as soon as I can. Probably later in the day. Unless anyone else comes up with it first.
It's a very touching song that you are talking about. in fact there are a few really good pieces on it.
I know it wouldn't appeal to most of the younger listeners but sometimes things like this are really appropriate.
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Thank you, MrsLadyBug. My father is very ill. I thought that would be nice for his funeral. I wanted the lyrics for that purpose. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Sorry for your trouble. I will get back as soon as I can.
The Old Man

The Tears have all been shed now
We�ve said our last goodbyes,
His soul�s been blessed, he�s laid to rest,
And it�s now I feel alone,
He was more than just my father,
My teacher, my best friend;
And he�ll still be heard in the songs we shared
When I play them on my own.

And I never will forget him
For he made me what I am;
Though he may be gone,
Memories linger on �
And I miss him, The Old Man.

As a child he�d take me walking
By mountains, field and stream
And he�d show me things not known to kings,
And secret between him and me,
Like the colours on a pheasant
As he rises in the dawn
Or how to fish, or make a wish
Behind a fairy tree.

I thought he�d live forever
He seemed so big and strong
But the minutes fly, and the years roll by
For a father and his little one.
And suddenly when it happened
There was so much left unsaid;
No second chance to tell him �Thanks�,
For everything he�d done.

And I never will forget him
For he made me what I am,
Though he may be gone,
Memories linger on-
And I miss him �
The Old Man.

Words by Phil Coulter

I hope this will help in you in your time of sorrow.

If you would like the album, email me at [email protected] with your address and I will post a copy to you.

Good luck.
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Thank you for your help, your words of comfort and for the copy offer. I hope you hand your family have a wonderful Easter.
Judy Cavender
The Fureys and Davey Arthur also did a brilliant version of this song. Ideal for a funeral but I hope it isn't needed for some time.

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