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new quiz for children of fiji

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dynamicduo | 09:09 Sat 05th May 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
It is hard to believe, but some of you haven't yet got your copy of the latest 'Children of Fiji' quiz. Well, don't worry - here is your chance.
Our latest quiz theme is 'backing groups,. There are 80 questions and each of the clues leads to the name of a backing or supporting group. For example, if the clue was 'no light', the answer would be shadow. This should lead you to 'Cliff Richard and the Shadows'. One mark for Cliff Richard and one mark for Shadows. All of the answers are .....and the.....
They have all had at least one top 40 entry in the UK singles charts.
The closing date for the quiz is July 6th. You can get your copy by sending �1 (payable to Children of Fiji) and a sae to us at 1 South Drive Cattistock Dorchester Dorset DT2 0JG. Alternatively you can pay on line through our website Go to 'Children of Fiji' section and click on Donate Now. Enter �1.34 . Don't forget to email us your address. On the website there are also details as to how to pay directly into the charity account.


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And just think what fun we will have when someone dares to admit they are stuck
Great quiz
Makes a change not to get all the answers just by using google
Just ordered my copy and have emailed you..............hope you are going to be gentle with us again !!!
I'm off to get mine now--won't forget to email this time!
Have got mine and it really is a challenge. Lets hope we don't get people asking for help yet ,we have got until July 6th. Good luck everyone.
evsajo--I hope it hasn't got too many modern groups on it, I will really be struggling then!
At least I am a bit better with music and groups than animals !!!!!!
Sorry that 2 of my inspirational answers were rubbish!
you say that now pebbles but wait and see - lol
Ha ! I've got 25 ... Yipee !! only 79 to go. xx
I got mine the other day & at my first read thru got 10-15 straight away & thought not to bad this time, read thru again & got another 6 & now i back to normal, struggling over the others. Still lots of time yet
Thanks smouse, I think, I can't wait to get my copy.

The lovely dynamicduo have sent it out to me
wow I feel good now I've done 43!

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new quiz for children of fiji

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