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What is the song?

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lucedamoose | 14:27 Sat 26th May 2007 | Music
5 Answers
I heard it on Radio 2 this morning. and its like old music(50s 60s?) . it kind of goes "he fines up with Mary.." or something. and its kind of about at some dance. any ideas?

Thanks! :)


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Radio 2 often print the playlists on their website - have you tried that?
In fact I've just looked on there myself and there'sa track, on Sounds of the 60s this morning, by Patsy Ann Noble called "So tied up with Mary"
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thankyou very muchos :)
is it the sutherland brothers -in the arms of mary.
late 60`s - 70`s era
ooops did not realise that you had the answer

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