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Back to the gym

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darlingducky | 13:51 Thu 21st Jun 2007 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
Well im going to Crete at the end of august and want to loose a stone by then so i decided to get back to the gym nd take my time as last month i lost a stone with stress of exams and work and put on a half a stone quicker than i have ever seen, so i really want the weight to come off but not go back so quick if you get what im trying to say. so this week i have spent 4 hours in the gym so far my aim is 8 a week nd then to walk 10miles at the weekend which doesnt bother me because i love walking. What im trying to get at is that i hate my legs and am so paranoid over then nd reallt want to loose weight off my thighs nd tone up my legs what machines in the gym should i be using than will also decrease my hips??


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i assume that the gym you go to has trained staff, why dont you ask them which is the best to use, they will know better than anyone. good luck
Get your diet sorted so your in a calorie deficit. If your eating to much you can train and train but you wont shift the flab if your in a calorie surplus

Search AB for the other posts about fat loss.
Try conservation volunteering. You get fresh air, use every muscle and have a wonderful sense of achievement.

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