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WWE music

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gill3891 | 20:56 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | Music
4 Answers
Can anyone please find the name of the song/artist for the song played on Monday night's RAW, paying tribute to Chris Benoit? It showed towards the end of the programme, it sounds a bit like Creed or someone similar and sings 'I want to remember all the time we shared, I won't ever forget your face, You know your hands are always there. You made me the man I am today, for that I owe you everything' Thanks in advance.


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I managed to find the answer online, the band is Big Dismal, the song is called Remember (I.O.U). Just incase anyone is looking for the same stuff! :)
Why would they pay tribute to a guy who very possibly murdered his own wife and child ?
if he was guilty and it looks very likely he was then may he burn in hell.
Mattk the WWE paid tribute to Benoit without knowing what had transpired. They had only been informed about the deaths 5 hours before their Raw programme went on the air, so as company policy dictates, they cancelled their storylines and went with the tribute. At that point in time, the officials had not released information revealing that Benoit had killed his family then himself.
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Also Mattk, I don't think anyone is at liberty to say who should or should not burn in hell. Although I do agree that this is a terrible crime and should not have happened to anyone, no-one knows the ins and outs of the circumstances, therefore you should refrain from commenting on consequences that you are not fully aware of!

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