what does this say about the world we live in ?? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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what does this say about the world we live in ??

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legend761 | 01:58 Fri 20th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
people on answerbank if you take themma s a cross section of society ,there are many varied personalities here so prettty good test group.

why do you think people here find it more interesting to post or even look at posts about some freaks seeeking publicity in the big brother house than real people in the real world?
do you think that they are more important than little maddy or sammy osborne or the many other missing children ?

why are we as a society so shallow and uncaring?
btw thats meant to be answered not debated.
we are as a society selfish ,uncaring and swelf centered.

but why?????
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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strange the questions been posted for 13 minutes yet no answers.
tho folk have answered on groiund btreaking issues like "poshs documentary" , "sharpening lawn mower blades" and " fat tax".
so all the vital and important things and forget about real things in the real world.

why are we so selfish and so sadddd??????
this was obviously one of the nonsense questions from last night .

niot as sensible as "********* names "????

Maybe you're posting the questions in the wrong category? I'd have thought a post relating to a missing child more suited to the News category or even Society & Culture.

Despite what the B&S category was intended for, people use it more like a chat category, me included i'm ashamed to admit., so anything more thought provoking than "what colour top shall I wear today?" is passed over.
i think people in this society are protecting themselves. from others from the poverty..from the uncertainy of life. its so easy to immerse onesself into shopping ot tv programes to deflect whats really happening around them. self preservation its called...i think.
so radio the disssenters are just trash??

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what does this say about the world we live in ??

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