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garlandk9 | 04:05 Thu 02nd Aug 2007 | Music
6 Answers
i am getting a mobile with an mp3 on it in a few days and i'm wondering if anyone can tell me how to download music on it from my computer for free?


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I got one of those and now I bluetooth everyting to and from my lap top: mp3's, vids, pics and themes.
So easy to use!!
Pay for your music or break the law - you (and your conscience) decide.
You do make me laugh quiz monkey, I can hear the police knocking on my door now because I am sharing music files lol.
you can do it legally if you buy the music files. most mobiles with mp3s have a usb plug. stick that in the computer then click send files to storage device . simple as 1 2 3 !


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Also try or

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