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song help?!

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Beohthram | 23:21 Sat 01st Sep 2007 | Music
3 Answers
ok, i saw a video for a dance track a couple months ago on one of the music channels. i havent heard or seen it since, but i really want to know whos song it is.
as far as i can remember, the lyrics go 'baby, baby baby,' then he sing something else, possibly 'watcha gonna do my baby' although i could be making that up.
its not your typical dance track either it was quite chilled.
the video for it was set in a school disco,and it started out with all the schoolkids not wanting to dance and then there was some breakdancing and stuff.
i know its a pretty crappy lead to go on, but if anyones got any ideas it would be great!


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i found it! it was frankie valli, beggin'.
If you are after the latest version it is the Frankie valli (pilooski remix) you will be wanting absolute choon! enjoy! x
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it is indeed! and i was WAAAAAY off with the lyrics.

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