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malijd | 16:58 Fri 21st Sep 2007 | Music
5 Answers
can you tell me of any songs that have

'our' or 'house' in the title please


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is this a joke?

try "our house" by madness - you will find it on youtube.
what about madness house of fun ,our house .shaking stevens this ole' house and all the house song of late 80's too numerous to mention. Ian Oldfield
House of the rising sun.....This old house.....House on the hill...
a few with both...

No Thugs in Our House - XTC
Fire In Our House - Astral Doors
'Our House' is also a song by Crosby, Stills & Nash

You can type in individual words, House gives more than 50 results - so narrow the dates.

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