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Animated Music Video... star?

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Rusks | 13:26 Sun 04th Nov 2007 | Music
4 Answers
Ages ago, probably about 7 or 8 years (maybe more!) there was an plasticine animated music video which appeared on one of the music TV channels over and over again.
I cant remember who it was by, or what it was called, but it was something to do with stars or a star. Also, it had a man with a big head in it. I've got a feeling the end was quite sad. Can anyone help?


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I was going to say Reet Petite by Jackie Wilson but that hasn't got a sad end to it.
Question Author
Nope that's not it.
Thanks anyway!
Is it 'Starlight' by the Supermen Lovers?
Question Author
That's it! Thank you!

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Animated Music Video... star?

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