The initials and numbers all correspond to well known phrases, items or places. eg. 1ap2ap,HCB = 1 a penny 2 a penny Hot Cross Buns
as you can see i am stuck on 3, so any help would be great.
12dDoC = 12 days of christmas A41&14A = all for 1 and 1 for all 1FotCN = 1 flew over the cuckoos nest 1WT = 1 way ticket 9CL = 9 cats lives 8PiaG = 8 pints in a gallon 1oTD = one of these days 11PiaHt = 11 players in a hockey teams 28DiaLM = 28 days in a lunar month 6=hAd = 6 = half a dozen 2240PiaT = 2240 pounds in a ton IS3SCSI = 18HoaGC = 18 20NoaDB = 20 numbers on a dartboard TITGA = 10DS = 10 downing street ASITS9 = a stitch in time saves nine 2CbTaC = two's company but three's a crowd ABaH40T = Ali Baba and his 40 theives 1A=AFD = 1st April = april fools day 1FtP = one for the pot 2SteS = two sides to every story 21=KotD = 21 = key of the door 1SDMAS = one swallow doesnt make a summer SOSNSBSB = something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue PCBAF = pride comes before a fall 49BitNL = 49 balls in the national lottery R2NW = SWALK = sealed with a loving kiss