Music Quiz - Any Ideas?
Hello, this was a quiz for Children In Need - submitted now but never did get the following answers, so I'm curious if anyone knows what they are!!
1. Artist = C D Title = G 2. Artist=C S, Title=M H B 3. Artist =J R, Title=DD 4.Artist=D J O, Title=H B. 5.Artist=P R, Title=OMR. 6 Artist=J C, Title=A G. 7.Artist=P B, Title S G. 8. Artist=The S N, Title=D. 9 Artist=J T, Title=P in M
10. Artist=The A, Title=A Y S. 11 Artist=The S, Title=M R
12. Artist=The B, Title=C. 13 Artist=C P, Title= The L P
Enjoy and thanks!